Web counter by Daniel Marschall
- No registration needed! Just use any value for "id" that is free. A counter will be automatically created.
- Reload lock for 60 minutes (Refresh button will not cause the counter to increase). The IP of the visitor is hashed to ensure privacy.
- Supports SSL, so there won't be any warnings when you include this counter to your HTTPS website.
- You can use several themes and modes simultaneously.
- Private and secure: No forced back-links, no cookies, no JavaScript!
- Note: Counters which are not visited for more than 1 year automatically get removed from the database.
Currently hosted web counters: 1657
Visitors total: 235708
Available counters and modes
Theme "digital"
URL: https://www.daniel-marschall.de/counter/counter.php?id=demo&format=graphic&theme=digital
HTML example:
Theme "gold"
URL: https://www.daniel-marschall.de/counter/counter.php?id=demo&format=graphic&theme=gold
HTML example:
Theme "sword"
URL: https://www.daniel-marschall.de/counter/counter.php?id=demo&format=graphic&theme=sword
HTML example:
Spacer (1x1 invisible image)
URL: https://www.daniel-marschall.de/counter/counter.php?id=demo&format=spacer
HTML example:
Silent (no output)
URL: https://www.daniel-marschall.de/counter/counter.php?id=demo&format=silent
URL: https://www.daniel-marschall.de/counter/counter.php?id=demo&format=plaintext
URL: https://www.daniel-marschall.de/counter/counter.php?id=demo&format=json
Different hues
You can change the hue of every counter by adding the argument "&hue=" followed by a number between 1 and 359 . Just try out a few numbers until you see the color you desire.
URL: https://www.daniel-marschall.de/counter/counter.php?id=demo&format=graphic&theme=digital&hue=145
HTML example: